Now registering for Summer 2023.Register for our degree program today!!!

Bachelors Degree in Theology

Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, the student must complete 64 credits with an average of C for this degree and certificate. The student must complete a minimum of 12 Theology subjects, Language, Religion, Bible Doctrine, History, Ministry of Professional Studies, Electives, Specialized areas, and Administration.

Courses Include:

Praise and Worship Dynamics
Triune man/Divine Guidance
The Preacher and his work
Non-Boring Preaching
The Life and Work of a Gospel Preacher
Teachers’ improvement and preparation
Multiplying Ministries
True worship in the church
World Religions II
Homiletics I
Homiletics II
World Evangelism
Music in the church
Spiritual Warfare I
Spiritual Warfare II
Elders and Deacons

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