Now registering for Summer 2023.Register for our degree program today!!!

Associates Degree

    Having been given the opportunity complete the Associate program in Christian Studies and Degree program in Theology, I am beyond grateful and blessed to have been a student at the Mt. Carmel Bible College and Theological Seminary Inc. It is such a great platform and experience to study the Word of God, at an affordable price and with easy payment plans. It is a place where the entire man is cared for, body, soul, and spirit. There were times when the Bible seemed like thousands of puzzle pieces, but the manner in which the Word was dissected and taught through the inspiration of the Holy Spirt by our lecturer, made the word come alive in my heart where I was able to see and understand Jesus through the entire Book from Genesis to Revelation. I was now able to not just be a hearer of the Word but also a doer and now able to present my body as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is my reasonable service.

    Thank you Mt Carmel Bible College and Theological Seminary Inc. for this beautiful opportunity to study the Word of God from anywhere in the world.

    Evang. Marsha D.
    Bachelor's of Theology

      I am a privileged student at the Mt. Carmel Bible College and Theological Seminary, who is currently pursuing a master’s of theology and is also a graduate of the bachelor’s of theology degree program. I am one of the many who have responded to the charge of the Apostle Paul to “study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).

      The program of study truly exposed me to the fundamentals and depths of God’s Word, thus unfolding truths hidden by religion and tradition. It has enriched and equipped me as a pastor to teach and edify the believers about the doctrine of our Lord Christ. Above all, the knowledge imparted to me has strengthened my relationship with the Lord Christ; I am more anchored in my faith, especially in these times of heresies and spiritual declension.

      I give honor to the Almighty God for opening up the pathway, so I could share in this wealth of knowledge, instructions, ethics, and holistic training offered by the Mt Carmel Bible College and Theological Seminary.

      I now leave a word of wisdom from Proverbs 1:20-22, “wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets: She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying, how long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?” I admonish the simple, and those who hate knowledge to come on board. I urge you to respond to the cries of “wisdom.” I encourage you to apply today; the doors of Mt. Carmel and Academia await you.

      Pastor Jennifer M.
      Associates Degree

        When the bible college courses were first introduced to me four years ago, I didn’t think that I could do it. But as I continued on in my studies, I learned and realized that this wasn’t something that I would be able to do in my own strength.  First I needed to be saved and only then the Holy Spirit would give me a greater understanding of the scriptures. I am grateful to God for everything that I have learned in the past four years, and for saving my soul.  Because if it was I, I wouldn’t be able to finish my associate’s degree.

        Evang. Edwina B.
        Associates Degree

          I thank God for the privilege and the opportunity to be a part of the Mount Carmel Bible College & Theological Seminary, Inc. The college gave me the opportunity to rightly divide God’s Word. The joy of learning enhanced me tremendously. The overall experience of learning and knowing God has changed my life beyond measure.

          Sis. Diane C.

            Mount Carmel Bible College and Theological Seminary Inc.  I thank God for his plan for my life. I would’ve never completed this course without him. The teachings have improved my life. I wanted so much to get knowledge and a better understanding. As the Bible continues to reveal to us that we have never been alone and that  God has not stopped speaking to us through his word. 

            Mount Carmel Bible College is more than just a place to learn about the Bible, classes are exciting, interesting, and doable. Built on knowing the truth of the word of God. Without knowledge, the people perish. 
            Sis. Vicki S.
            Associates Degree

              Mount Carmel College was a valuable learning experience if you want to build a strong foundation in Christ. I would recommend this course to anyone trying to build a relationship with the Lord. The course opened my eyes to how to serve the Lord, what is called the scales being removed. The course made me realize just because I was a believer does not mean I would make it into the kingdom. I was taught the true way to follow Christ and realize the changes that needed to be made in my life, and I believe anyone that seeks through the course the word will cut you where corrections will be made.

                   Mount Carmel College help build my faith. I’ve learned to praise the Lord no matter good or bad and to realize that God is first with everything. I have learned we can serve idols without even noticing it. Faith, trust, and obedience to the Lord are the keys to salvation which I would not have learned most likely if it was not for me taking the course. I would hear it, but it is much different if you do not do diligent research, which has to be done to grow and get true knowledge of God and strengthen your relationship with Him. Besides learning about the Lord, I learned how to type and construct a college-formatted paper after all these years of not being in school, and I can say I experienced college. I used to look at others that were not living right and wonder how they were what I considered blessed, but I have learned that God reigns on the just and unjust and that it is not the case that no sin goes unpunished. Either, in their lifetime or at the judgment, there is no sin without repentance that will go unpunished.

              Bro. David M.

              Study to shew thyself approved unto God... 2 Tim. 2:15

              We teach how to rightly divide the word of God.

              Frequently Asked Questions

              Can I apply to the degree program?

              We suggest everyone start with the Associates Degree, which is a two year program. However, we offer elective courses each semester in lieu of a degree.

              How many students do you admit each year?

              We admit students by semester. For more information call us during normal business hours.

              I am interested but I live abroad. Can I take a course?

              All of our course are offered virtually and can be taken anywhere in the world.

              Which courses are required for the degree programs??

              Each degree program builds on the other, we suggest reviewing the requirements here.